My name is Yaroslav (Yaro). I live in Pärnu town (Paikuse), Estonia. Now retired. My hobby is amateur radio. On 1995 I started as SWL (ES8-1). Since 1997 I am HAM - ERAU and Pärnumaa Radio Amateurs Club member. My callsign is ES8AS (ex ES8LBH, ES8ABX). Also operated as ES8ZP, ESØK, ES8SC, SMØ/ES8AS/p, OH2/ES8AS/p, ES1924ES, OH9/ES8AS/p.

Worked Bands: HF 160-10m (incl. WARC and 60m); VHF 6m, 4m and 2m; UHF 70cm.
Worked Modes: SSB, FM, CW, AM, RTTY, SSTV, BPSK31/63/125, MT63, SIM31/63, OLIVIA 32/1K, JT65, FT8, MFSK/FT4, ROS-HF/8/16; also mode "J" via SAT - Saudisat 1C/SO-50.
Sometimes I like to work QRP.

Awards: WAC Phone (IARU), Ten-Zero-Award (JARL), The GB50 Golden Jubilee Award (CVRS)...etc

Member of Clubs: EPC# 8960, DMC# 8684, FT8DMC# 7904, 30MDG# 10932, ERC# 5274, WWFF.

  • QSL cards collection

    Here you can see some QSL cards from whole of the world. This is only a small part of my collection. I put here a cards of DX-stations and just nice cards. I hope you'll enjoy it.

  • HAM Awards collection

    And here you can see my awards collection from various DXCC countries. This is only a small part of my collection. The most part of them are electronic awards.

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